Private One-On-One Training
TNT clients can also experience one-on-one personal training at any time through flexible scheduling with one of our experienced personal trainers.

TNT certified personal trainers spend time with you to create a fitness program that is uniquely tailored to address your health concerns, your body type and personal fitness goals

We will help you reach all your fitness goals

TNT clients can also experience one-on-one personal training at any time through flexible scheduling with one of our experienced TNT trainers. Our one-on-one clients are initially provided with a free 30 minute evaluation followed by a free injury prevention screening by one of our onsite DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy).


One-on-one clients will also receive nutrition advice, a training program that is personally designed for their specific goals, and individualized coaching from a TNT trainer.

Training Customized for you

TNT personal training programs are customized to fit your lifestyle and to get you the results you want. Our certified personal trainers spend time with you to create a fitness program that is uniquely tailored to address your health concerns, your body type and personal fitness goals.


In addition to private personal training we also offer sports performance private training for athletes of any age & skill level that are looking for a personalized program tailored to their sport & goals.

Private Personal Training in Paramus NJ

Contact us to learn more about our one-on-one, private personal training sessions

TNT Training on the Go

Download the TNT Training App for iPhone and Android